
After countless trips between Canadas two largest cities by way of the the 401 highway, it was time to try this journey by bike. I have always been impressed by the BMEF 24 and 48hour races that occur every Summer...
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Dear friends and customers.We have persevered this past year to make sure that we offer the lowest/competitive prices for European city bikes, urban bikes, commuter bikes, dutch bikes and cargo bikes in Canada. We cannot control the USD, and as...
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The Creme Vinyl Doppio is the epitome of classic elegance and timeless design.Hand-built in Europe and guaranteed for life. The strong steel frame allows for a fast and comfortable ride, especially on the streets of Montreal. The British metallic racing...
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On the last weekend of November, before the Christmas rush, we will be hosting our first, last and biggest sale of 2015. We will be closing our doors for the winter period the following week, so this is your chance...
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Hello Canada.We are happy to announce that we are now restocked Butchers & Bicycles cargo bikes in Canada for 2016.We have received lots of great feedback for those who had the chance to test one in Montreal and Toronto or...
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