The Fatbike-LATZ splash guard prevents the rainwater thrown up from getting wet and dirty when driving on wet roads. It as an extension of the fenders, as these often do not manage to drain the spray water sufficiently. This makes the next purchase or bike ride even more comfortable. When driving, the splash guard protects boots and throuserlegs from small stones and spray water that are thrown up.
The mud flap is made from a truck tarpaulin. The material is reinforced, which is why the LATZ remains dimensionally stable even at higher speeds and against a headwind. It can be mounted on rear fenders with a width of 95-120 mm. The "FAHRER-Berlin"-logo application also makes it a discreet and stylish accessory.
Thread a cable tie from behind through the two holes on the left and right of the bib so that the pointed ends are at the top and the fastener is at the bottom. Now turn the splash guard over and place it in the middle of the lower end of the mudguard. Place the cable ties on the left and right around the fender struts and tighten. Cut off the protruding ends of the cable ties with side cutters.
ALLO VELO - Boutique
(Ventes - Service - Locations)
141, rue du Shannon (Griffintown), Montréal, QC, H3C2J4
mardi à vendredi 10 - 17h
samedi par RDV
Téléphone : 514-937-8356
Courriel :
Instagram : @allovelomt7
(Ventes et service)
1350, rue Nanaimo, Vancouver, C.-B., V5L4T6
Mardi à vendredi 11 - 18h
Samedi 10 -17h
Téléphone : 604-216-0111
Courriel :
Instagram : @velolifestyleyvr
mardi à vendredi 10 - 17h
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