We believe in mirrors like we believe in bells. Ride with one for a week and you'll never again want to do without.
Our R-series is available in two mirror sizes, a 35mm and a 50mm diameter. They both provide a very similar view but the smaller mirror is more challenging to use, a tradeoff for the sake of minimal form. We consider the R35 our "pro" (vanity) mirror and the R50 our everyday touring model.
Designed to complement a modern drop bar bicycle. Not compatible with extreme bar geometries or positions. Some Enve bars and others without standard bar plugs also may not work. Email photos of your setup if you have any questions.
ALLO VELO - Boutique
(Ventes - Service - Locations)
141, rue du Shannon (Griffintown), Montréal, QC, H3C2J4
mardi à vendredi 10 - 17h
samedi par RDV
Téléphone : 514-937-8356
Courriel : sales@velolifestyle.com
Instagram : @allovelomt7
(Ventes et service)
1350, rue Nanaimo, Vancouver, C.-B., V5L4T6
Mardi à vendredi 11 - 18h
Samedi 10 -17h
Téléphone : 604-216-0111
Courriel : yvr@velolifestyle.com
Instagram : @velolifestyleyvr
mardi à vendredi 10 - 17h
samedi par rdv
Les clients sans rendez-vous sont les bienvenus pour les ventes ou le service de réparation. Les mises au point nécessitent un rendez-vous.
Mar - Ven 11 - 18h
Sam. 10 - 17h7