It is the third annual Canadian Cyclist Bike Shop of the Year Award. If you think Allo Velo in Montreal deserves a nomination, please vote here. Draw ends Monday 17th of November.Thanks!
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Congrats to Lamar Timmins for biking from Montreal to Vancouver on a TrioBike Cargo bike. 38 days and over 4000 km. Read the full story by Huffington Post.
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Lamar Timmins is nearing the end of his journey from Montreal to Vancouver by cargo bike (the lightest cargo bike on the market).He has just crossed into the Canadian Rockies via Highway 1. If you are on instagram, go ahead...
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Lamar Timmins is still en route to Vancouver by cargo bike. Only days away from Calgary. He will be posting a time and location for those interested in seeing and trying the new Triobike Cargo Nov 1st. Follow the journey viainstagram @velolifestyle...
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After 13 days of concentrated hills, rain, wind and some snow, Lamar made it to Thunder Bay for Thanksgiving. He left Montreal on the 2nd of October, as part of a cross country tour to Vancouver on the Triobike Cargo...
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