Frieda is just as agile and efficient for the city as her male counterpart Friedrich, but just as easily converts to the perfect bike for a weekend at the countryside. Equipped with Curana mudguards, an integrated Supernova lighting system, and a sleek Tubus rear rack, Frieda also, of course, features the maintenance-free Gates Carbon Drive CDX CenterTrack for a quiet and maintenance-free ride.
Built for a lifetime with the highest-quality components and finishes to ensure a fantastic appearance, Frieda is the feminine solution for those with a keen eye for aesthetics and performance
8-speed Alfine internal geared hub
low bottom bracket, long wheelbase and minor saddle to handlebar drop for a comfortable riding position
Supernova lights and Shutter Precision hub dynamo
Curana mudguards and Tubus pannier rack
TRP low maintenanceย hydraulic disc brake system
ALLO VELO - Boutique
(Sales - Service - Rentals)
141 du Shannon (Griffintown), Montreal, QC, H3C2J4
Tues - Fri 10 - 5pm
Saturday 10 - 4pm
Phone: 514-937-8356
Instagram: @allovelomtl
(Sales and Service)
1350 Nanaimo St, Vancouver, BC, V5L4T6
Tues - Fri 11 - 6pm
Sat 10 - 5pm
Phone: 604-216-0111
Instagram: @velolifestyleyvr
Tues - Fri 10 - 5pm
Saturday 10 -4pm
Walk-ins welcomed for sales or service repair. Tune Ups require an appointment.
Tues - Fri 11 - 6pm
Saturday 10 - 5pm
Walk-ins welcomed for sales or call for a service repair appointment.