Meet the newest member of your tribe. One that takes you and your children wherever you want to go. No more worries about your busy schedule, kids needing to be places, fetching groceries or shopping trips. Zip through the city effortlessly, or enjoy a trip to the woods or the beach. One ride and youβll be hooked!
With the optional extra front bench, rain cover or Maxi-Cosi adapter you can tune your bike to match your familyβs needs. Your bike will be so versatile that you might find yourself leaving that car in the driveway.
The lowered childrenβ seating position makes for an overall lower center of gravity. This has a positive effect on the way in which the Family adheres to the road. A sturdy and adjustable three-point belt provides safety during the ride. And the expanded polypropylene (EPP) box protects your most precious cargo all around.
Confidently zig-zag your way through traffic. The light frame, electric pedal assistance and stepless gear shifting guarantee a very pleasant riding experience. It is cycling the way you are used to, with agility and comfortable stability.
ALLO VELO - Boutique
(Sales - Service - Rentals)
141 du Shannon (Griffintown), Montreal, QC, H3C2J4
Tues - Fri 10 - 5pm
Saturday 10 - 4pm
Phone: 514-937-8356
Instagram: @allovelomtl
(Sales and Service)
1350 Nanaimo St, Vancouver, BC, V5L4T6
Tues - Fri 11 - 6pm
Sat 10 - 5pm
Phone: 604-216-0111
Instagram: @velolifestyleyvr
Tues - Fri 10 - 5pm
Saturday 10 -4pm
Walk-ins welcomed for sales or service repair. Tune Ups require an appointment.
Tues - Fri 11 - 6pm
Saturday 10 - 5pm
Walk-ins welcomed for sales or call for a service repair appointment.